*All Out West Saddlery Custom Gear will now be made by and payments processed through Jace Teller of JT Sadddlery LLC our apprentice. Terri will be taking the order information for Jace.
We would love to help you design your own custom pair! We only make one of a kind!
See our Spur Straps For Sale for more ideas!
#190 GP Nickel
#115 GP
AP Bronze Conchos & Buckles
Textured Nickel Spots
#33 GP Custom Sterling Overlay Concho w/Brass Brand
#30 GP Nickel
#29 GP Brass
#28 G Brass
#17 GP Nickel
#13 GP
#32A A Heart Nickel
#32B A w/Aztec Star Concho
#20 A Brass
#14 A Brass
#7 A Brass
#3 A Nickel
#7a EP Brass
#4 E Brass
#3 EP Brass
#2 E Nickel
#5 C Nickel
#2 C Brass
#179 M Sterling Silver
#8 HP Brass
Basket stamp has a star in it!
#6 HP Nickel
#15 F Nickel
#2 B Brass
#9 D
#5 D
#2 D