Terri Beecher - Equine Energetic Evaluator & Equine Natural Care™ Distributor
Click here to see Terri Beecher's Education & Experience
As part of our passion and dedication to whole horse health, I offer an Equine Energetic Evaluation® & Consultation service, using applied kinesiology from emailed current pictures. Based on which of the horse’s systems have weak energy and need support, I set up custom herb programs using Equine Natural Care™ herb blends, the highest quality most complete line of natural herbs for horses available in the USA. They are the only equine herb company that requires its distributors to be trained and have continuing education to sell their herbs! I also evaluate the possible need for Essentials Oils, Homeopathy or Bach Flower Remedies.
*Most beginning programs support 3 - 4 systems (Brain, Digestion, Etc) based on priority, they are often 8 weeks long and require approximately 3 - 4 bags of herbs that are 1 pound each and last 2 months if they only need 1 scoop a day. The cost of the blends runs between $57.00 - 120.00 per bag.
*The goal is to get the horses on a simple maintenance program with 1 - 2 herb blends as soon as possible, evaluations only needed every 4 -6 months, save money on supplements & veterinary bills, and have a happier, healthier horse and owner/partner!!
*Part of setting up the programs and my service is helping counsel owners on removing from the diet processed feeds, chemical wormers, chemical fly sprays, etc. that are creating a lot of the weak energy/imbalances and replacing those with healthy, safe alternatives.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or Center for Veterinary Medicine and are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.”
Click on my Testimonial Page to read about some amazing results!
If you would like an evaluation please send an Email to: outwestsaddlery@gmail.com with:
A current picture with no other animals or people in the picture, very important!!
For The Picture:
For horses: I like a close-up picture of the side of the head showing the eye really well (looking for expression) and one showing the whole body from the side with no saddle.
For small animals or people: I like an overall picture not too far away.
Here are examples of what I am looking for in pictures:
Include in the email: your name & phone number.
For the animal's: name, breed, sex, age. Include main concerns & everything they are being fed.
*VERY IMPORTANT I need to know if a female is pregnant or nursing!
*Fee is $50.00 per evaluation: Please call with card information before I do the evaluation.
*Once the evaluation is done I will call you with the results and proposed program. There is no obligation to do the program.
What is an Equine Energetic Evaluation®?
A process developed by the owner and founder of Equine Natural Care Rhonda Newman. The process uses a 35+ checkpoint system designed to find 3 – 4 of the weakest energy systems.
I use a method of applied kinesiology to look for weak energy and then match the energy of a herb or supplement to support the weak area. This method ensures the fastest and most economical outcome to reach maximum potential.
The results I have had using this method combined with Equine Natural Care™ herb blends, the most complete line of equine herbal blends, has been amazing! The way I discovered Equine Natural Care was from a recommendation from my equine dentist Spence LaFlure. I was having some chronic issues with my mule and horse, chasing symptoms for years trying many different products that were supposed to be “good” for horses and the problems I was having. I wasted a lot of time and money with very little resolution. In the first 8 weeks of their herbal programs, our animals made big changes with very positive results. That is what inspired me to become a distributor of the herbs and offer Equine Energetic Evaluations®.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or Center for Veterinary Medicine and are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.”
What is Kinesiology?
History of Kinesiology:
Applied kinesiology and biokinesiology, 'Bio' means life and 'kinetic' refers to motion. Bioenergetics is the science of the active force of life. Bioenergetics states that every organism has bioenergy, the energy that makes us alive, that animates us. Every cell in our body contains this energy. Much like a two way radio that receives frequencies of subtle bioenergy from various sources, energy we cannot see, we also receive bioenergy from everything in our environment. And, just like the radio that can transmit its own frequencies of vibration into the environment around it, the body sends out frequencies. These vibrations are very subtle and invisible to the naked eye, and their existence was even denied until they were able to be recorded with sophisticated machines. Biokinesiology is now used in many areas of health care. Among these are veterinary medicine, dentistry, nutrition, osteopathy and herbal medicine.
An article in Systems DC, 1981 , titled "Applied Kinesiology in Chiropractic Exams" stated "Not until applied kinesiology has there been an approach to accurately understand the autonomic nervous system, which controls organs."
In this study of the muscles, Dr, Geo. Goodhardt, of Detroit Michigan, found that each large muscle related to an organ in the body, and that a weakness in a large muscle signaled a weakness in the related organ. Over the years he found that when he treated the muscle with nutritional support, it also helped the weak organ. Even if a patient just held the needed supplement, the muscle and it's related organ both temporarily improved. He recognized this meant the body had electrical energy and was much like a magnet.
Science speculates that we are more electrical than chemical. Modern physics teaches that everything in the universe has its own vibrational rate of energy, vitamins, minerals, each organ of the body, even color. Some things, seemingly unrelated, such as plants, food and human organs, have similar vibrational rates of energy. This helps to draw them together, much like magnets. This is most obvious during pregnancy when the expectant mother (whether animal or human) is drawn to the nutrients she needs by her cravings. In the deep south where minerals are poor in the soil and therefore in the food, pregnant mothers often crave, and eat, river clay. This is where their best source of minerals are and they are drawn to it like a 'MAGNET'.
Dr. Paul Shephard, in his book Healing Energies, stated "Within man there is a complex electrical system headed by a computer greater than Xerox and IBM put together, with each cell being a micro transformer/capacitor and even a rudimentary memory chip". According to one wholistic health care practitioner, kinesiology can be explained in the equation E=MC2. Energy equals mass times the speed of light. All matter comes from energy. This means everything is electrical, whether it's you, the food you eat, or your shoes.
Wayne Cook studied the energy fields of the human body many years ago, before they had been acknowledged by any other field of science. In 1972, he was invited to go to Stanford University and work with the department of Materials, Science and Engineering to prove out his findings with the assistance of their scientists. Along with Dr. William Tiller they proved the body does indeed have energy flowing in and throughout it. What they discovered was that the body has a positive and a negative current, as well as a neutral current. Energy flowing clockwise has a positive current, energy flowing counter clockwise has a negative current, and energy flowing vertically (up and down) is neutral. Everything they found, had these energies. Healthy tissue in the body was found to have one type of energy, while unhealthy tissue had another.