*All Out West Saddlery Custom Gear will now be made by and payments processed through Jace Teller of JT Sadddlery LLC our apprentice. Terri will be taking the order information for Jace.
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#482 Chinks
Floral Tooling w/Background Painting
Graduated Spots ~ Manzanillo Conchos
Scalloped Edge Fringe

#469 Chinks
Border Stamp and Mecate Ring
Mule Head Tooling
Brand Tooled on Side Yoke

#468 Chinks
Floral Tooling with Spots
Double Fringe
Name on Back Belt

#464 Chinks
Floral Tooling
Hair on hide trim around yokes
Slotted Conchos on side yokes

#463 Chinks
Barbed Wire Border Stamp
Longhorn Conchos & Buckle
Square Back Buckle & Mecate Ring

#462 Chinks
Sunflower Tooling
Rusted Steel Sunflower Conchos & Buckle
Twisted Fringe

#460 Chinks
Sunflower Tooling with Spots
Double Contrasting Fringe
Yuma Berry Conchos & Buckle
Dragonfly and Floral Tooling on Back Belt

#459 Chinks
Elko Conchos & Buckle
Scroll Tooling and Spots
Twisted Fringe

Matching Spur Straps

#458 Chinks
Horseshoe & Horse Head Tooling
Basket Stamped background
Horseshoe Conchos & Buckle
Initials on Side Yoke

#457 Chinks
Wildflower Tooling with Spots
John Mincer Conchos & Buckle
"In Christ" Concho on Back Belt

#456 Chinks
Pine Cone Tooling
John Mincer Conchos & Buckle

#455 Chinks
Floral Tooling
Manzanillo Conchos and Buckle
Right Pocket and Twisted Fringe

#454 Chinks
Barbwire border stamping
Horseshoe & Cross tooling with initials
John Mincer conchos and buckle
"In Christ" concho on side yoke

#445 Chinks
Border Stamped with Spots
Jeremiah Watt Conchos
Twisted Fringe

#444 Chinks
Oak Leaf Tooling with border stamp
John Mincer Conchos & Buckle

#441 Chinks
Wildflower Tooling with spots
Jeremiah Watt Antique Conchos

#440 Chinks
Black with Contrasting Trim
Copper Conchos
Celtic Knot with Crazy Stamping

#434 Chinks
Border Stamp Tooling with Custom Tooled Initials
Leather Button on Pocket
Jeremiah Watt Slotted Conchos

#430 Chinks
Floral Tooling with Spots
Twisted Fringe

#429 Chinks
Floral Tooling with Spots
Personalized Back Belt

#424 Chinks
Suede Yokes with Spots
Slotted Conchos

#420 Chinks
Filigreed Yokes and Back Belt
Double Twisted Fringe

#419 Chinks
Floral Tooling with Turquoise Accents
Pocket with Floral Tooled Flap
JM Conchos

#418 Chinks
Barbed wire border tooling
Brand and Horse/Rider Tooling
Sewn-on Contrasting Fringe

#416 Chinks
Floral Tooling with Spots
Double Fringe

#412 Chinks
Pinecone tooling
JM Conchos

#410 Chinks
Basketweave and Flower tooling with spots
JM Flower Conchos
Sewn-on Contrasting Fringe

#409 Chinks
Double Fringe with Heart Yoke
Basketweave tooling and Cut Out Heart w/Spots

#405 Chinks
Basketweave with Horseshoe and Brand Tooling
Mecate Ring and Twisted Fringe

#402 Chinks
Basketweave tooling with Brand & Mecate Ring
Pocket and JM Conchos & Buckle

#399 Chinks
Border Tooling with Custom Tooled Design

#398 Chinks
Hearts & Roses Tooling with Basketweave background
Twisted Double Fringe
California Rusted Steel Conchos & Buckle

#392 Chinks
Basket & border stamp tooling with Custom Brand
Hair-on hide trim with Double Fringe

#390 Chinks
Twisted Fringe
Floral Tooling
Kansas conchos & buckle

#388 Chinks
Double fringe - turquoise over dark brown
Border tooling with spots
Copper conchos and buckle with turquoise antiquing