*All Out West Saddlery Custom Gear will now be made by and payments processed through Jace Teller of JT Sadddlery LLC our apprentice. Terri will be taking the order information for Jace.
Available Slobber Straps:
Style B
7” $60.00 #108
Lined w/ boarder stamping.

#1 Style Adjustable

#2 Style A
7" Long

#3 Style B
9" Long

#4 Style F
7 3/4" Long

#5 Style F
7 3/4" Long

#6 Style F
7 3/4" Long

#7 Style F
7 3/4" Long

#8 Style G
9" Long

#9 Style E
8" Long

#10 Style F
7 3/4" Long
Slobber Straps can be used with any type of rope. These are shown with a horsehair mecate tied as a roping rein with a lead rope.
The idea of rein chains or slobber straps is when you lift up on the reins or rope the weight of either cues the horse quicker than reins alone which helps create a lighter touch in the rider's hands.