Out West Saddlery Custom Saddles

Below are samples of custom saddles Bob Beecher of Out West Saddlery has built in the past!
*All Out West Saddlery Custom Gear will now be made by and payments processed through Jace Teller of JT Sadddlery LLC our apprentice.  Terri will be taking the order information for Jace.

No two saddles alike! The average weight is 32 pounds!

For Testimonials: See below for Custom Saddle Testimonials, Testimonial Page & Bottom of Stock Saddle Page

Our base price for custom saddles is $5,600.00


    1. Leather is the finest quality Herman Oak, rough out or smooth side out, oiled and treated with Skidmore’s Leather Cream.  Saddle fully covered.
    2. Seat size up to 16”
    3. Full, Half Seat or Loop
    4. Conventional or Sam Stagg Double Rigged w/Dee or Ring
    5. Off Side – Billet, Half Breed, or Latigo Cinch Strap
    6. Back Strap & Billets or 4 Latigos
    7. 6 Strings w/Plain Brass or Stainless Steel Conchos
    8. Fork Binding Turned Under
    9. Straight Cantle Binding
    10. 4” Regular Bell Stirrups Covered w/Brass or Stainless/Monel
    11. Stirrup Hobbles – String Or Buckle
    12. 3 Piece Laced Or Belvins Buckles
    13. Simple Border
    14. Numbered


We specialize in old-time style saddles that fit today’s horses and are healthy for both rider and horse/mule.  All of our saddles and trees are handmade using the highest quality workmanship and materials available. All the stitching is recessed for quality and durability.   Our saddles are perfectly balanced for a comfortable ride for you and your horse, they are one of the few western saddles built today designed so you sit centered and as close to the horse as possible for the best communication between you and your horse.  The seat is not built up in the front.  We help you do custom fittings for you and your horse or herd or see our saddle fitting guide & saddle fitting information & philosophy pages.  We encourage a universal fitting saddle for the type of horses you like, not a saddle to a horse because horses can change like us!  We believe proper fit and the way the saddle positions you is the most important elements in choosing a saddle.


#109 Custom Ladies Astride/Planation Wade Style Saddle
Tooled by Estella Ray (past apprentice)

#109 Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle
#109 Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle
#109 Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle
#109 Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle

#105 LB Custom 3B Visalia
Tooled by Estella Ray (past apprentice)

Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle #105
Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle
Custom Out West Saddlery Saddle

#104 VC Custom 3B Visalia
Sunflowers Tooled by Estella Ray (past apprentice)

Custom Saddle
Custom 3B Visalia Saddle
Custom 3B Visalia Saddle

#102 KW Wade Custom Saddle

Custom Wade Saddle
Custom Wade Saddle
Custom Wade Saddle

#98 CK Custom Vaquero Wade with Santa Fe Handles

Out West Saddlery #98 Custom Saddle
Out West Saddlery #98 Custom Saddle
Out West Saddlery #98 Custom Saddle

#95 LM Wade Custom Saddle

Custom Wade Saddle
Custom Wade Saddle
Custom Wade Saddle

#94 KS Wade Custom Saddle
Tooled by Estella Ray (past apprentice)

Out West Saddlery #94 Custom Saddle
Out West Saddlery #94 Custom Saddle
Out West Saddlery #94 Custom Saddle

#93 DT 3B Visalia Custom Saddle
Tooled by Estella Ray (past apprentice)

Out West Saddlery #93 Custom Saddle
Out West Saddlery #93 Custom Saddle
Out West Saddlery #93 Custom Saddle

#79 MS Custom Modified Vaquero Wade

Modified Vaquero Wade #79
Modified Vaquero Wade #79
Modified Vaquero Wade #79

#76 TG Custom Ladies Astride Saddle on Slick 9 Tree

Ladies Astride Saddle #76
Ladies Astride Saddle #76
Ladies Astride Saddle #76

#74 NO Custom Ladies Astride Saddle on Slick 9 Tree

NO Ladies Astride Saddle on Slick 9 Tree
NO Ladies Astride Saddle on Slick 9 Tree
NO Ladies Astride Saddle on Slick 9 Tree
#73 KB Custom Hope Tree
KB Hope Saddle
KB Hope Saddle
KB Hope Saddle

#71 DG Custom Modified Association

Custom Saddle #71
Custom Modified Association Saddle
Custom Modified Association Saddle

#70 Custom Saddle on Slick 9 Tree built for the movie Out Of The Wild, based on the novel by Mark Rashid, horseman, writer, and clinician.

Saddle built for the movie Out Of The Wild
Saddle built for the movie Out Of The Wild
Saddle built for the movie Out Of The Wild
Saddle built for the movie Out Of The Wild

#69 NJ Custom Wade

NJ Wade Saddle
NJ Wade Saddle
NJ Wade Saddle

#68 SM Custom Wade

SM Wade Saddle
SM Wade Saddle
SM Wade Saddle

#67 BC Custom Vaquero Wade

BC Vaquero Wade Saddle
BC Vaquero Wade Saddle
BC Vaquero Wade Saddle

#66 BB Custom Slick #9

BB Slick #9 Saddle
BB Slick #9 Saddle
BB Slick #9 Saddle

#65 RH Custom Vaquero Wade Weighs approx. 30-35 lbs!

RH Vaquero Wade Saddle
RH Vaquero Wade Saddle
RH Vaquero Wade Saddle

#64 DD Custom Wade

DD Wade Saddle
DD Wade Saddle
DD Wade Saddle

#62 RH Custom Vaquero Wade Weighs Approx. 30-35 lbs!

OWS Vaquero Wade Saddle
OWS Vaquero Wade Saddle
OWS Vaquero Wade Saddle

#59 KH Custom Wade

KH Wade Saddle
KH Wade Saddle
KH Wade Saddle

#58 TL Custom Wade

OWS Wade Saddle
OWS Wade Saddle
OWS Wade Saddle

#56 BV Custom 3B Visalia

BV Visalia Saddle
BV Visalia Saddle
BV Visalia Saddle

#55 RC Custom Wade

RC Wade Saddle
RC Wade Saddle
RC Wade Saddle

#53 SJ Custom Wade

SJ Wade Saddle
SJ Wade Saddle
SJ Wade Saddle

#52 Custom JC Vaquero Wade-Weighs Approx. 30-35 lbs!

JC Vaquero Wade Saddle
JC Vaquero Wade Saddle
JC Vaquero Wade Saddle

#50 TB Custom Vaquero Wade Weighs Approx. 30-35 lbs!

TB Vaquero Wade Saddle
TB Vaquero Wade Saddle
TB Vaquero Wade Saddle

#48 KS Custom 3B Visalia

KS 3B Visaliia Saddle
KS 3B Visaliia Saddle
KS 3B Visaliia Saddle

#43 BH Custom Wade

BH Wade Saddle
BH Wade Saddle
BH Wade Saddle

#42 BB Custom Wade

BB Wade Saddle
BB Wade Saddle
BB Wade Saddle

#37 JR Custom 3B Visalia

JR 3B Visalia Saddle
JR 3B Visalia Saddle
JR 3B Visalia Saddle

#34 BR Custom 3B Visalia (For a shire draft horse!)

BR Visalia Saddle
BR Visalia Saddle
BR Visalia Saddle

#33 MR Custom Vaquero Wade

MR Vaquero Wade Saddle
MR Vaquero Wade Saddle

#31 TH Custom 3B Visalia

TH 3B Visalia Saddle
TH 3B Visalia Saddle
TH 3B Visalia Saddle

#26 GB Ladies Astride Saddle

GB Ladies Astride Saddle
GB Ladies Astride Saddle

#25 PS Custom 3B Visalia

PS 3B Visalia Saddle
PS 3B Visalia Saddle
PS 3B Visalia Saddle

#10 Ladies Astride Saddle

Ladies Astride Saddle
Ladies Astride Saddle

#5 Ladies Astride Saddle

Ladies Astride Saddle
Ladies Astride Saddle


Out West Saddlery Custom Wade Saddle

Testimonial Letter

Hi Bob and Terri,
After the long wait and many changes to my custom saddle, I am finally riding and enjoying it immensely!!
After riding once in my husbands' saddle by Bob I was hooked. My saddle is well worth its weight in gold and the craftsmanship, quality, and details were understandably the reason for the 9-month wait.
Many long phone calls with Terri assuring me that the decisions that were involved in designing it were precise and perfect before Bob proceeded. Now having my own saddle and riding in it, I am beyond words of the feel it gives me (Giving me confidence with my horse and my mountain riding abilities) and the fit for my horse is perfect!
I went with the Vaquero style saddle with the wood post horn. I added the steppin' out concho as a horn cap which I love! After riding in it the first time and taking it off my horse there were absolutely no dry spots! It's amazing what Bob's custom saddle has done for me and my horses!
In all the 57 years I have been riding I have never had such a beautiful, comfortable well made functional saddle that my horse loves as much as me!! What a difference!! Thank you so very much, Bob and Terri ~ Out West Saddlery is the Best!!!
Dixie Post
Hooper, UT

78 Stock Saddle - Beth Varga
78 Stock Saddle - Beth Varga

Testimonial Letter

Bob & Terri
I can't say enough about how happy I am with my beautiful saddle made by Out West Saddlery.  Each time I ride my horse CL in it, he gets better.  I think he is realizing how much better it feels! 

His long trot makes me weep it is so effortless.  The biggest difference is when I ask him to lope he is much more rounded and smoother than before.  I ride in a bosal hackamore and while he has always been soft he is now "giving" with a lot less effort when I pick up on him.  He has a great side-pass and back-up and now they are even better.  I think it has to be because his shoulders are freed up as all our lateral movements seem more fluid.   I am itching to work cows to see how that feels.

While I am still getting used to the seat, it is for sure more comfortable and I LOVE the closer contact.  Now I realize that my other saddles had me in the wrong position.   In this saddle I feel like I am more in unison with CL and that my position is making it easier for him to move & respond.     

As I told you, I lost my daughter, Justine, to cancer in April. I raised her by myself and she was my best friend.  I had been trying to think of a way to honor her and when I decided to get one of your saddles, I thought maybe you could do something special. The “J” inside the heart tooling on the horn to memorialize Justine really brings the whole thing together and is so representative of her simple beauty.  When she rode CL, he took exquisite care of her and remembering them together are some of my fondest memories.  It is pretty cool that she can be “with” me every time I ride.  It means the world that you understood my vision for that.

I think what sets you apart from other saddle-makers is the attention to detail.  Not only for the rider, but more importantly for the horse.  In this crazy world of mass production, it is rare to find a company that truly cares.  Sure, there are other pretty saddles, but yours are works of art from the inside out.   

Thank you so much!!!
Beth Varga

OWS Saddle #72

Testimonial Letter

"Bob & Terri,
It's been over a year since I got my saddle.  I'm sure you are accustomed to your customers letting you know how much they love their saddles - I am among those many folks.  I love my saddle so much. When I throw it up on my horse I reflect on how fortunate I am to own such a fabulous saddle.   It just feels right to let you know how much I am enjoying it.  Thank you very much with the warmest felt appreciation. I hope this finds you both well and blessed."
Teresa Whitaker, Childress, TX

OWS Saddle #64

Testimonial Letter

Dear Terri & Bob
I have attached the link to see my Facebook photo album of me and Sky with our new saddle. Oh MY God it is amazing to ride in. My balance point is now clearly known to me & my circles are round. I have always had so much trouble riding a nice circle.
I can not even explain how perfect it is. Everyone notices how it sits so perfectly. I so can not wait to show it off at Ant's clinic in May.
Deb Desreaux
Monkira Station
Queensland, AUSTRALIA

PS Bob, You will never know how much you have changed my life by enabling me to ride with ease & refinement, comfort for me & my horse, fun & the best saddle for me & my equine partner. Truly you will never know. xo

OWS Saddle #41

Testimonial Letter

Dear Bob & Terri,
For several years I rode saddles that hurt me and my horse after a long ride he was almost always sore and so was I. The saddle I purchased from you has never made my horse sore and I can ride it comfortably for hours.
I never truly understood “balanced” riding until I purchased my new saddle that fits me. When riding rough terrain in Colorado Mountains I am much more secure.
And as it that is not enough, it is great fun to sit on a piece of handmade western art.
Thank you,
Gil Johnson, Pagosa Springs, CO